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Who are you? How did you become who you are?
I'm an Argentinian artist, and I consider myself essentially as a painter. I am and I have become what painting, in its mysterious ways of acting, chooses to offer me. I am also defined by what I can extract from Painting, beyond what she decides to offer me. I am a person who believes in the power of painting, in the empowerment it contains. I have become a person who believes in painting as an oracle.
How would you describe your work?
My work is a mean to enter into an abyss, it is a disjointed time. it is that exact moment prior to the outbreak. It is the movement of tectonic plates with a distant sound.It is a painting that appeals to the body, the senses; a dreamlike memory or an apocalyptic future, or both simultaneously.I am interested in spirituality, in mystery, in the ambiguous essence of a resplendent shade that appears and then ceases to be seen but leaves traces of itself behind, a spectre that is later interrupted by another emerging but fleeting shadow, that approaches and then disappears.I am referring to an overwhelming feeling, a sense of astonishment that is beyond us, that leads us to a different space and time.
What is the message/feeling you want to bring across with what you do?I have this concern with things, that come back to me in a state of inanimate, insufficient.Then I realized I had an awareness of other times, from other eras, more archaic, primitive, more obscene eras such as the mezozoic. A time were the skies, the earth's landscapes, and even an activity as eating were more brutal.In this imagined past Era, the abundance, scale, view, everything must have been overwhelming.I had a clear nostalgia for dinosaurs, I thought at that point. But I had never met a dinosaur before. With time I understood that in the history of mankind, in our memory or intuition it took much more time to live in that obscene but abundant experience than in today's everyday life, reduced scale in a house, in the city.So I try to recreate these intense, disturbing, overwhelming scenarios in my paintings, modifying our subjective experiences. I intend to provide that experience, or hatch the sense of calmness when faced with that first concern.
What is the place of painting in this digital era?
I think the digital era modifies the experience of the observer solely in the possibility of having an experience with something that contains a rudimentary, primary, archaic, surving act. This applies to painting as it does in sculpture as well.If painting is finished, which I believe with certainty it's not going to happen, the digital era will offer Painting new ways to manifest itself-
Your paintings give me a strange mysterious feeling. How do you do that?
My paintings also spawn mysterious feelings on me. I believe there are elements in my work that when set up to dialogue with each other conform a total feeling of estrangement that end up showing me something that I at first completely exceeded me, something I did not see. Elements such as the overwhelming, the body, magical thinking, myths, wonderful possibilities, masses, geology, and soon are all in themselves owners of a personal mystery and strangeness, which I combine, and introduce to each other - this combination ends up parenting a place, a mysterious place, a very own personal landscape.
Do you have any affiliation with occultism or spirituality?
I don't subscribe to any religion or any specific spiritual group. I'm interested in all of them as a spy or a child who is told a story. I believe each one of them offers a thought, ways and beliefs that distances themselves from everyday life and I happen to appreciate that.I choose to wing my beliefs with a naive conviction that amuses greatly and makes my life more interesting.